Source code for omdb.omdb

""" OMDB API python wrapper library """
from math import ceil
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import requests

from omdb.exceptions import OMDBException, OMDBInvalidAPIKey, OMDBLimitReached, OMDBNoResults, OMDBTooManyResults
from omdb.utilities import camelcase_to_snake_case, range_inclusive, to_int

[docs] class OMDB: """ The OMDB API wrapper instance Args: api_key (str): The API Key to use for the requests timeout (float): The timeout, in seconds strict (bool): To use strict error checking or not; strict (True) \ will throw errors if the API returns an error code, non-strict will not Returns: OMDB: An OMDB API wrapper connection object Note: With `strict` disabled, it is up to the user to check for and handle errors """ __slots__ = ["_api_url", "_timeout", "_api_key", "_session", "_strict"] def __init__(self, api_key: str, timeout: float = 5.0, strict: bool = True): """the init object""" self._api_url: str = "" self._timeout: float = 5.0 self.timeout = timeout self._api_key: str = "" self.api_key = api_key self._strict: bool = True self.strict = strict self._session: Optional[requests.Session] = requests.Session()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the requests connection if necessary""" if self._session: self._session.close() self._session = None
@property def api_key(self) -> str: """str: The API Key to use to connect to the OMDB API""" return self._api_key @api_key.setter def api_key(self, val: str): """set the API Key""" if isinstance(val, str): self._api_key = val else: raise OMDBInvalidAPIKey(val) @property def timeout(self) -> float: """float: The timeout parameter to pass to requests for how long to wait""" return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, val: float): """set the timeout property""" try: self._timeout = float(val) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError(f"OMDB Timeout must be a float or convertable to float! {val} provided") from exc @property def strict(self) -> bool: """bool: Whether to throw or swallow errors; True will throw exceptions""" return self._strict @strict.setter def strict(self, val: bool): """set the strict property""" self._strict = bool(val)
[docs] def search(self, title: str, pull_all_results: bool = True, page: int = 1, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Perform a search based on title Args: title (str): The query string to lookup page (int): The page of results to return pull_all_results (bool): True to return all results; False to pull page only kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Note: If `pull_all_results` is `True` then page is ignored""" params = { "s": title, "page": 1, "apikey": self.api_key, } # set to the default... if not pull_all_results: params["page"] = page # we are going to set it so that we can pull everything! params.update(kwargs) results = self._get_response(params) total_results = int(results.get("total_results", 0)) if not pull_all_results or total_results <= 10: # 10 is the max that it will ever return return results if "search" not in results: results["search"] = [] # defensive max_i = ceil(total_results / 10) for i in range_inclusive(2, max_i): params.update({"page": i}) data = self._get_response(params) results["search"].extend(data.get("search", [])) return results
[docs] def get(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, imdbid: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Retrieve a specific movie, series, or episode Args: title (str): The title of the movie, series, or episode to return imdbid (str): The IMDB Id to use to pull the result kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Raises: OMDBException: Raised when both title or imdbid is not provided Note: Either `title` or `imdbid` is required""" params = {"apikey": self.api_key} if imdbid: params["i"] = imdbid elif title: params["t"] = title else: raise OMDBException("Either title or imdbid is required!") params.update(kwargs) return self._get_response(params)
[docs] def search_movie(self, title: str, pull_all_results: bool = True, page: int = 1, **kwargs): """Search for a movie by title Args: title (str): The name, or part of a name, of the movie to look up pull_all_results (bool): True to return all results; False to pull page only page (int): The page of results to return kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results""" params = {"type": "movie"} params.update(kwargs) return, pull_all_results, page, **params)
[docs] def search_series(self, title: str, pull_all_results: bool = True, page: int = 1, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Search for a TV series by title Args: title (str): The name, or part of a name, of the TV series to look up pull_all_results (bool): True to return all results; False to pull page only page (int): The page of results to return kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results""" params = {"type": "series"} params.update(kwargs) return, pull_all_results, page, **params)
[docs] def get_movie(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, imdbid: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Retrieve a movie by title or IMDB id Args: title (str): The name of the movie to retrieve imdbid (str): The IMDB id of the movie to retrieve kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Note: Either `title` or `imdbid` is required""" params = {"type": "movie"} params.update(kwargs) return self.get(title=title, imdbid=imdbid, **params)
[docs] def get_series( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, imdbid: Optional[str] = None, pull_episodes: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Dict: """Retrieve a TV series information by title or IMDB id Args: title (str): The name of the TV series to retrieve imdbid (str): The IMDB id of the TV series to retrieve pull_episodes (bool): `True` to pull the episodes kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Note: Either `title` or `imdbid` is required""" params = {"type": "series"} params.update(kwargs) res = self.get(title=title, imdbid=imdbid, **params) num_seasons = 0 if pull_episodes: num_seasons = to_int(res.get("total_seasons", 0)) res["seasons"] = {} for i in range(num_seasons): season_num = i + 1 season = self.get_episodes(title=title, imdbdid=imdbid, season=season_num) res["seasons"][season_num] = season return res
[docs] def get_episode( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, imdbid: Optional[str] = None, season: int = 1, episode: Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs, ) -> Dict: """Retrieve a TV series episode by title or IMDB id and season and episode number Args: title (str): The name of the TV series to retrieve imdbid (str): The IMDB id of the TV series to retrieve season (int): The season number of the episode to retrieve episode (int): The episode number (based on season) of the episode to retrieve kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Note: Either `title` or `imdbid` is required""" params: Dict[str, Any] = {"type": "episode"} if season: params["Season"] = season if episode: params["Episode"] = episode params.update(kwargs) return self.get(title=title, imdbid=imdbid, **params)
[docs] def get_episodes( self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, imdbid: Optional[str] = None, season: int = 1, **kwargs ) -> Dict: """Retrieve all episodes of a TV series by season number Args: title (str): The name of the TV series to retrieve imdbid (str): The IMDB id of the movie to retrieve season (int): The season number of the episode to retrieve kwargs (dict): the kwargs to add additional parameters to the API request Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the results Note: Either `title` or `imdbid` is required""" return self.get_episode(title=title, imdbid=imdbid, season=season, episode=None, **kwargs)
def _get_response(self, kwargs): """wrapper for the `requests` library call""" response = self._session.get(self._api_url, params=kwargs, timeout=self._timeout).json() return self.__format_results(response, kwargs) def __format_results(self, res, params): """format the results into non-camelcase dictionaries""" if not isinstance(res, dict): raise TypeError(f"Expecting dict type, recieved {type(res)}") keys = sorted(list(res.keys())) for key in keys: val = res.pop(key) if isinstance(val, dict): val = self.__format_results(val, params) if isinstance(val, list): tmp = [] for _, itm in enumerate(val): if isinstance(itm, dict): tmp.append(self.__format_results(itm, params)) else: tmp.append(itm) val = tmp # convert camel case to lowercase res[camelcase_to_snake_case(key)] = val # NOTE: I dislike having to use string comparisons to check for specific error conditions if self.strict and "response" in res and res["response"] == "False": err = res.get("error", "").lower() if err == "too many results.": raise OMDBTooManyResults(res["error"], params) if err in ("movie not found!", "series or season not found!"): raise OMDBNoResults(res["error"], params) if err == "request limit reached!": raise OMDBLimitReached(self.api_key) if err == "invalid api key!": raise OMDBInvalidAPIKey(self.api_key) raise OMDBException(f"An unknown exception was returned: {err}") return res