Source code for omdb.utilities

""" A utilitites suite """

[docs] def camelcase_to_snake_case(_input: str) -> str: """Convert a camel case string to a snake case string: CamelCase -> camel_case Args: _input (str): The string to convert""" # res = _input[0].lower() for i, letter in enumerate(_input[1:], 1): if letter.isupper(): try: if _input[i - 1].islower() or _input[i + 1].islower(): res += "_" except IndexError: pass res += letter.lower() return res
[docs] def range_inclusive(start: int, end: int, step: int = 1): """Return the range of elements inclusive of the end value Args: start (int): The start value of the range end (int): The end value of the range step (int): The step value to use Yields: int: The current value within the range """ yield from range(start, end + 1, step)
[docs] def to_int(val: str) -> int: """Turn the passed in variable into an int; returns 0 if errors Args: val (str): The variable to turn into an int Returns: int: The int value if possible, 0 if an error occurs """ try: return int(val) except ValueError: return 0